Within 45 days after you receive the goods, if the goods are damaged due to non-human factors, there is no need to worry, just please provide us with valid proof, such as harvest pictures, damage pictures and reasons. After our customer service staff evaluates and confirms, you do not need to return the products, we will send a new one for you.
And we fully understand that you may forget to take off your jewelry during use and cause it to come into contact with water or detergent. We hereby provide you with a 2-year warranty. If the goods you purchase encounter fading or non-human damage, don’t worry. Please contact our customer service, we will provide you with free repairs or re-colors (it takes about 30-60 working days to return to the factory for re-color repairs). If you don’t want to wait, we will send a special 50% off coupon to your account, which you can purchase online Any product (except Bespoke products). This coupon is valid for up to one year, so you can choose slowly.